The Road to Delphi

Delphi – Free Pascal – Oxygene


DIC supports RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin

Hello Folks, I just uploaded a new version of the Delphi IDE Colorizer (DIC) plugin with support for RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.

Berlin - SplashScreen

DIC is a styling plugin for the RAD Studio IDE  which allow you customize the UI of the  IDE Workspace . You can use a predefined theme or create your own, also DIC is compatible with the VCL Styles.

This slideshow requires JavaScript.

You can download the installer from Github.

By the way, on the last weeks I’ve updated another projects adding support for RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.



DITE supports RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin

I just updated the Delphi IDE Theme Editor adding support for RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.


Also this new version of DITE includes a improved thumbnail generator and a option to change between compact and full GUI which can be set with the options of the title bar.

Remember which starting with RAD Studio XE8, DITE allows you edit the values (color and font) of the IDE modern theme. To use it just press the button “Additional Settings” and set values for the Main ToolBar and the IDE Font, finally press the button “Apply”. (For restore the default settings just press the button Restore).


You can download the DITE from here.


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Delphi IDE Colorizer Supports RAD Studio 10 Seattle

The Delphi IDE Colorizer plugin now is compatible with RAD Studio 10 Seattle. This new version includes support for the new IDE enhancements like the Community toolbar, Object inspector filter and the Code navigation toolbar (Castalia).

The next screenshot shown the RAD Studio 10 Seattle IDE styled with the Onyx VCL Style.
(click to get a full size image)


You can get more info of the plugin in the github site.

Remember report any issue or suggest a new feature using the issue page of the project.


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Goodbye Google Code, hello GitHub!

Hi everyone,I just finished migrating all my open source projects (code and issues) from Google Code to GitHub.

Project Summary
Delphi Dev Shell Tools Shell Extension for Object Pascal Developers
Delphi IDE Theme Editor Custom color highlighting for Object Pascal IDE’s
Delphi Preview Handler Source code preview handler for Windows.
Delphi WMI Class Generator Creates Object Pascal classes to access the WMI
TSMBIOS Object Pascal Library for access the System Management BIOS (SMBIOS)
VCL Styles Plugins Styling plugins for third party installers and apps
VCL Styles Utils Extend and improve the Delphi VCL Styles
WMI Delphi Code Creator Allows you to generate Object Pascal (Delphi, Free Pascal), Oxygene, C++ and C# code to access the WMI


You can find all the repositories here


imgres See you on Github.


DIC Now supports RAD Studio XE8

I just added support RAD Studio XE8 to the Delphi IDE Colorizer  plugin, the new version ( includes several improvements like the support for style owner draw controls of the IDE like the Device Manager.

Check the next screenshots with the VCL Style glow applied




If you want set your IDE with the same look of the images use these settings



For more info about the plugin check these pages

If you want report a issue or suggest  a new feature please use the issue page of the project.




VCL Styles Utils – Major Update (Dialogs, ProgressBar, DateTimePicker, ListView and more)

A Major updated was made to the VCL Styles Utils project. This version include several fixes and new features.


The Vcl.Styles.Hooks unit is the most updated part of this new release. This unit is the responsible of hook some of the UxTheme and WinApi methods like DrawThemeBackground, GetSysColor and GetSysColorBrush. Which allows take the control of the painting process for the system themed (and owner-draw) controls.


This new release fix the highlight color used on the selected items and also replace the themed checkBox by a styled checkbox.

ListView with VCL Styles
2014-11-04 11_08_19-Demo

ListView with VCL Styles + Vcl.Styles.Hooks unit
2014-11-04 11_08_55-Demo

Also was added support for style the Listview groups.

ListView with VCL Styles

2014-11-04 11_11_23-Demo

ListView with VCL Styles + Vcl.Styles.Hooks unit

2014-11-04 11_12_45-Demo

DateTime Controls

The Styling of the TMonthCalendar and TDatetimepicker components is one of the limitations of the VCL Styles, because such components are owner-draw by the system and doesn’t allow to customize the look and feel when the native themes are enabled (for more information read these TMonthCalendar and TDatetimepicker ) also only the newest versions of Delphi includes a partial styling support for such components. With this new release the styling of these controls is now possible.

TDateTimePicker and TMonthCalendar with VCL Styles

2014-11-04 11_29_24-Demo - RAD Studio XE7 - uMain [Running] [Built]

TDateTimePicker and TMonthCalendar with VCL Styles + Vcl.Styles.Hooks unit

2014-11-04 11_54_31-Demo - Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 - Vcl.Styles.Hooks [Running] [Built]


Improved support for the TProgressbar component without flicker and with Marquee style.

2014-11-04 14_48_10-Demo

Select Directory Dialog

The styling for the select directory dialog was enhanced adding support for the open and close glyphs and fixing the color of the highlight bar.

VCL Styles Utils

2014-11-04 15_01_14-Browse For Folder

VCL Styles Utils + Vcl.Styles.Hooks unit

2014-11-04 15_01_52-Greenshot

Open/Save Dialog

The VCL Styles support of the Open and Save dialogs was improved adding styling for groups and highlight items. Also a fix for the select folder combobox was introduced.

VCL Styles Utils

2014-11-04 15_12_50-Open

2014-11-04 15_20_49-Open

2014-11-04 15_26_07-ThemedSysControls - Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 - ThemedSysControls.dproj [Runnin

VCL Styles Utils + Vcl.Styles.Hooks unit

2014-11-04 15_14_27-Open

2014-11-04 15_21_25-Open

2014-11-04 15_25_16-Edit Post ‹ The Road to Delphi - a Blog about programming — WordPress


Fix to conflict between the Delphi Dev. Shell Tools and AVG Antivirus.

I just detect a conflict with the AVG Antivirus 2014 Shell extension . This cause which the Delphi Dev. Shell Tools menu is not show. To fix this issue you must disable and enable the AVG Antivirus Shell extension.

Please follow the next steps to fix.

  1. Download and Run the ShellExView utility
  2. Locate the AVG Antivirus Shell extensions and disable it as is shown in the below image.
  3. log-off and log-on or restart Windows
  4. Test the Delphi Dev. Shell Tools extension
  5. Run the ShellExView utility again and enable the AVG Antivirus Shell extensions
  6. log-off and log-on or restart Windows
  7. Now both shell extensions should work normally.



VCL Styles Utils – New feature

I just uploaded a new release of the VCL Styles Utils project improving the support for ListViews and TreeView controls. When you uses a TListView setting the CheckBoxes property to True and with the VCL Styles enabled the control will look like so


As you can see the Checkboxes is using the Windows native look and feel, this is because the OS draw these controls directly and not the VCL. Some time ago I show a workaround for this owner-drawing the TListView, unfortunately this implies modify the source code for each TListView in the project which means a lot of work in some scenarios. But now with this new addition to the VCL Styles Utils only adding the VCL.Styles.Hooks unit to your project the checkbox control is properly drawn using the current active VCL Style.


The same improvement goes for the TTreeview controls, by default the opened and closed glyphs are draw using the native look and feel


And now using the VCL.Styles.Hooks unit


Remember which this unit also include a fix for the system colors when the VCL Styles are enabled as is show on this article.

Without Vcl.Styles.Hooks


With Vcl.Styles.Hooks


Note : The VCL.Styles.Hooks unit works hooking the UxTheme dll, this means which using this unit on your project will cause which all the calls to the DrawThemeBackground and DrawThemeBackgroundEx methods with the BP_RADIOBUTTON, BP_CHECKBOX, TVP_GLYPH, TVP_HOTGLYPH parts will be affected.