The Road to Delphi

Delphi – Free Pascal – Oxygene


TSMBIOS now supports Linux via Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.

I just uploaded a new version of the TSMBIOS library with support for Linux via Delphi 10.2 Tokyo. You can found a full description of the project in the Github site.

Check these screenshots of the demo applications running under ubuntu 16.04 LTS

rruz@ubuntu^% ~-PAServer-scratch-dir-RRUZ-Linux Ubuntu-ProcessorInformation_001rruz@ubuntu^% ~-PAServer-scratch-dir-RRUZ-Linux Ubuntu-ProcessorInformation_002rruz@ubuntu^% ~-PAServer-scratch-dir-RRUZ-Linux Ubuntu-ProcessorInformation_003


Now just a small note, the TSMBIOS  library access to the SMBIOS data reading the /dev/mem device file (which  provides direct access to system physical memory). So the applications which uses this library require being executed by an user with access to such file, typically a superuser.
